Service Dog Training

Working With veterans and TADSAW to train your service dog


Psychological Support Dogs, trained to lessen the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are recognized by the ADA as Service Dogs.

FDT&BC will help you find and train a dog to be your companion.  If you already have a dog, we will guide you through the process of training specific skills for your dog to use to alleviate symptoms of PTSD. 





Working in public situations

Positioning, and interruptive behaviors can help lessen symptoms of depression and offer stabilization during panic attacks and episodes of anger.

We help you train your dog to handle public situations such as grocery stores, malls, and restaurants.  

We love working with Veterans, but will also help others with disabilities. 


Getting Started

 All clients need a recommendation from a Doctor or other  health care provider stating they would benefit from owning a service dog.

Contact Janice Ronald with questions regarding getting started with your training.

316-648-0513 or

Train A Dog Save A Warrior

Veterans can apply for funding through the Train A Dog, Save A Warrior Foundation.

Visit TADSAW’s website

 More information on service dogs is available through the American Disabilities Act website,






Call or Text 316-755-2839


3505 West 30th Street South

Wichita, Ks. 67217


Family Dog Training & Behavioral Center, LLC